

The unwinded potion
"truth struck me painfully, i was
drowning in the ocean of my own tears
creating a beautiful waterfall, where none
could meet me at."

" i almost reached the end point when
the rainbowed to me and took me out of there
i realised that my tears and the sun collided
made the rain bow to me. "

" the beautiful rainbow gave me the spell-
the spell of magic, Deep down, my heart is still
sinking yet the blood makes it float every single time
its about to sink. "

" that sun gave me the shine, the moon gave me
its light, and in return i tied a bow to the rain, and it gave
me its ribbon, never letting me go"

" i realised that no matter what
we always hold on each other for the moment we dread
and each time i read it like it was a fairytale
yet it always failed."

" failed, but never derailed,
we promised to rise but never think about falling down even
twice, yet i choosed to dice for us,
i pictured everything in our life so that
we dont miss anything when we get hit with a knife"
© fiery