

I want to scream
I am trapped in my own head.
lying on my bed, hearing 20 voices in my head. I hear Reason, Common Sense, Sociopath.....Wait ✋ Vaininty okay okay Sweetheart. Sarcasm, Narssasist, Bouji, Snobby, Bratty. It's like these breeds constantly fight amongst themselves. Sunflower hippie. 🧏🏽‍♀️ Classic Diva status, Killer, Momma bear,🐻 It's funny when all else leads to footprints 👣 of a lost path. Dang the OCD Neat freak. The perfectionist, oh this Depress chick, 🤦🏽‍♀️
OMG!!! the "Crybaby! man when she just cannot have her way! Or nothing is going her way, Let's not forget the weirdo.😜 The kid and the fool
© I'm Not cocky just confident 😉