

In The Embrace of a Tree house
Write a poem on "A tree house"

In a verdant haven, where dreams take flight,
A refuge nestled against the heavens’ light.
Amidst the branches, a secret abode,
A whimsical haven, where memories are sowed.

The tree house stands, a sanctuary high,
Reaching for the sun in the cerulean sky.
Its wooden walls, weathered by time,
Guarding the stories, tucked away sublime.

Within its embrace, a childhood retreat,
Where laughter echoes, joyous and sweet.
Imagination blooms like flowers in spring,
As young hearts soar with each soaring swing.

Leaves dance and whisper, a nature's lullaby,
As the wind rustles through branches, sighing softly.
From the windows, a tapestry of greens and blues,
Nature's canvas, infused with vibrant hues.

Inside, a hideaway, adorned with youthful dreams,
A cozy refuge, stitched with magic it seems.
Books and treasures, strewn about with delight,
Uncovering secrets in the soft, golden light.

As stars sprinkle the night sky with grace,
The tree house remains an enchanted space.
A sanctuary of wonder, forever cherished,
In the heart's gallery, where memories are relished.

So climb up the ladder, and step inside,
To the soul's haven, where dreams abide.
In the embrace of nature, high and free,
The tree house whispers, "Come, find peace with me."

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