

"The Echo of Silence"
The more you want a reply from a person, the more they'll keep silent,
A dance of unspoken words, a tension so vibrant.
Like shadows that flicker in the dimmest of light,
Each moment stretches, a test of the night.

You send out your thoughts like a message in flight,
Hoping for warmth in the chill of their quiet.
Yet silence grows louder, an echoing wall,
A reminder that longing can sometimes enthrall.

With every tick-tock, your heart beats in time,
Anticipation builds like an unsung rhyme.
But words left unspoken can weigh like a stone,
As hope wrestles doubt in the depths of your own.

The harder you grasp for a flicker or sound,
The more they retreat, as if lost and unbound.
In this intricate game where emotions collide,
You find that connection is often denied.

Yet still in the silence, there’s beauty to find,
In patience and stillness, our hearts may unwind.
For sometimes the answers aren’t spoken aloud,
But felt in the silence—a bond that’s profound.

So let go of the pressure; let time take its toll,
In the quiet between us lies room for the whole.
For when we release what we yearn to obtain,
The sweetest replies may come back once again.

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