

Love-relationship 💞
No matter how much you love someone,
How strongly you feel for someone...
But Ultimately what matters is
what you serve on the table.
Again I am not talking about money.
I need to clarify this again and again,
because लोग money को ही ultimate wealth समझते हैं।
No, when I say what you serve on the table
I mean how you make that someone feel,
whom you call your Love.
If you make that person feel neglected, ignored, unworthy..
do you think your love will flourish?
It won't.
Love Or relationship isn't about
how you feel about somone,
it's more about
How you make
that someone feel about them.
Love is less about self it's more about Them..
self is just an origin point of Love
but it's destiny is them..
The Love which remains focused
at self, is not love.
Love needs to flow.
Flow like a river..
stagnent water can't be love.
उस प्रेम का क्या अर्थ हैं
जो अपने वज़ूद को दूसरे को महसूस न करा सके।
और ख़ास प्रेम को ही प्रेम महसूस ना करा सके।
तो क्या प्रेम किया तुमने!?

© S🤍L