

Whisper of nature's serenade

Amidst the verdant fields and ancient trees,
Nature whispers secrets on gentle breeze.
Soft melodies of rustling leaves prevail,
A symphony of secrets, nature's tale.

The murmurs flow through meadows wide and still,
Revealing mysteries, a tranquil thrill.
Each blade of grass, a conspirator true,
Whispering truths to those who dare to pursue.

Within the forest's depths, secrets reside,
In whispered echoes, nature's love confide.
The babbling brooks, with laughter and grace,
Sing of serenity, in their watery embrace.

Oh, whispering nature, in hushéd tones,
You stir the soul, revealing nature's own.
Through whispered secrets, we find our repose,
And in your whispers, our spirit arose.
© Amicable