

faded beauty
Once upon a time,
This grassland was enormous of elegant flowers,
Wide of foliage,
Full of the harmonious chirping of birds,
Full of the aroma of blossoms,
It was like a glamorous utopia,
An eternity passes by,
Grassland forfeited its glamour,
All encircled in the dust,
All with erratic panes,
The bouquet of blooms faded away,
Birds and other fetishes perished,
Forthwith it's like forgotten utopia,
Wide of rust,
No one to overlook for it,
It lingers unnoticed,
Perishing with eternity,
Forthwith it's like a pastel souvenir,
Glorious glory relinquished with juncture,
It's full of twilight,
No one infers its enchanting tale,
The external elegance of humans doesn't matter,
The external glamour of human will vanish one day,
The internal beauty of humans matters,
Our spirit and soul should be authentic,
Our physique is just our pellet,
One day, you will perish,
The only spirit will persist ever.

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