

The wait
Love blossomed in the chats
between the beep of the messages
in the air filled with the web.
He texted daily to let her know
She awaited for that familiar tone.
From friends far away to
known since a lifetime feeling,
their relation blossomed
in the garden of mails and chats.
Suddenly one day, there was no text.
The mobile stood silent for days.
She awaited patiently,
pushing the arising panic far.
She kept texting like regular
talking as if he were listening
texting as if he were reading on the other end.
She didn't know his real name,
nor did he know hers.
They had waited too long
and now he was lost
where she knew not.
But she kept her vow and waited.
Her eyes fell on the news article
of a ship sunk, deaths counted.
Her heart skipped a beat
she knew a sailor he is,
but nothing more.
Prayers and wait is all she could
and never know his fate.

© meerabhansali/theworkingofthesoul