

prayers by the windowsill [ii]
and the darkness solemnly regains its color
from emptiness, it was the first time
i knew i wasn't alone.
i was never alone.
and i continued.
"my lord,
thank you for the beautiful souls
who use their vulnerability to uplift me,
inspire me, and care for me on a daily basis.
somehow i see hope in them."
"thank you for my family,
who stay in the thinnest chapters of my life.
thank you for including them in my sickness
and in my death sentence."
"thank you for this amazingly scary life."
"my lord,
please save me from this bad health.
extend my breath for a couple more seconds,
i want to witness my nieces and nephews grow,
i want to see how far my strength can go,
i want to embrace my virtual friends in flesh,
i want to show them how lucky i am to have them,
i want to know how life looks in the coming chapters."
and the darkness hums in my quiet four walls.
only the melting candle gives light
to my hopeless mistakes.

to be continued.

© ubik

let's all remember to be thankful of what we have at the moment.

[Artwork by dionmbd, sourced from Facebook Page: Mind & Heart.]