

My world
The sudden rush of cold air, made me shrieked in fear,
I cried out loud, the world feeling different.
I increased the tempo of my cries cos it baffles me to see people around me smiling
I'm in a different world....

I became relaxed after seeing so many smiling faces,
I became calm when I'm being showered with love.
I was adored, loved and appreciated
Though this world still felt different but I love it...

Reality dawn on me, when my first betrayal came,
I felt betrayed when I couldn't have the toys I wanted
I felt so sad when I couldn't eat what I desired
I felt lost when I couldn't dress nicely as THEY do
Guess my beautiful world is changing

My next betrayal came when my siblings arrived
The love reduced, I'm no longer the adored one.
I couldn't see my mother smile at me as before ,
My father doesn't remember to buy my favorite snacks again,
My best friends are always around her..
This is not the world I dreamt of...

Here I am now, position changed; carrier changed
People no longer smile at me, I smiled to earn their smile
People no longer wish to be around me, we are all too busy now chasing our dreams
We no longer remember our friends favorite food, cos we are still trying to eat our favorite food
People no longer love selflessly, we now love when there is a gain out of it
This is my world now, I have to embrace it...
© beanbhasail