

Moon: Mistress of Light
The moon is like an eye in the sky
That sees into peoples' dreams
And sees for the blind
A shining light for lost souls to be redeemed

She brings out passion
In good hearts and strong souls
A symbol of mystery, hope, and animation
She may be cold from a distance, but she gives heat hot enough to mold

She is not just a mystery
Or a symbol of hope
She is also beauty and purity
In the sky's water she soaks

She wears a silky, white gown
It is the time of slumber
She is always gentle and proud
A peaceful voice to calm my thunder

The moon is like a mother to me
Sitting up there in complete darkness
Her light shining through a thicket of trees
She helps me stay calm through the day's hardships
I love her
She is my sweet moon mother
Who am I
Where are you
Am I really happy
My Mistress of Light

© The Wolf of Poetry Forest