

As I lay there in the middle of the night,
The sky was star-lit,the earth gleamed by the moon light
My body,immersed in water, embraced the gravel
Unaware,that a lot of mysteries were going to unravel
The waves in all their haughtiness, made a loud roar
Carrying me in their arms,dropped me to the shore
I opened my eyes,my brain perplexed with thoughts
A lot of riddles were going to unknot
The human soul is just like a mighty ocean
On the outside it is calm;but on the inside,a lot of secrets in locomotion
Just like a closed book hides extravagant truths
But when you open it,all the unknowns are reintroduced
Still when you read it for the second and the third times
You come across many unread lines
You light upon worlds you never saw before
All the mysteries then start to deplore
The human body encloses a world inside
A world that mimics the world outside
None of us are never wrong and always right
Or never dull and always bright
None of us are always witty and never so dumb
Cuz everybody's got good and bad forces working with them and against them