

In love with a tyrannous
Everytime I glance-
Like magnet they attracts
Whenever I try to push you
They pull me close rather than being apart
I realized it too far in time
That I was wholly ruined by my heart

And even after knowing--
That you are far too a chaotic mess
Yet I seek for your sight
Waiting to be melted by your eyes

I don't know when I came too far
The feeling that were supposed to be forbidden
They are now trying to break apart
For how long shall I try to ignore
Cause I feel like I would lose you
Once more -
But unlike the first
This time not only it would be you
But I would fall apart beyond any repair

So let me just hold
Let me just latch on to you
Once more
For I would feel no numb
Knowing well that my confession is to end
For it is a tragic ending
That I fell in love with a messed tyrannous
Confessed myself to the wicked villainess

© Charchita. C