

The Devil In A Coat Of Lust
There's this devil that comes banging with lust,
This devil that makes the innocent, a whore;
The type, everyone knows as the purest one.
Unaware that indoors,
There's a war. A war, though enjoyed;
Amoured by this devil in a coat of lust.

Acting like a knight in shining amour,
This devil rescues minds deprived of non-agape love.
Lost in it, these minds weren't actually rescued
But taken deeper into his devilish act to be groomed.

This devil comes at any time,
As long as he has won over itching hearts,
Played the hearts with obscene dramas;
The kind that put hormones on fire.

This devil has put many in bondage
particularly those who do not wish to be engaged
in physical combat with the desires they aim,
The desires, this devil satisfies,
Making innocence, an appearance of lies.

This devil is a master of baits
that lures hearts into his mature bate;
Trapping them into his web of lust from whence they may not escape.

Day: 046/100

© AM Odunayo