

Always trying to fix the things,
Working hard day and night,
Hoping, they will turn out good
But they don't, ever, so I
Accept them the way they are.

Figuring out my body scars,
Doing much to be my desired self,
To become a perfect idol,
But I can't and ain't, ever, so I
Accept myself the way I am.

Striving to change my life,
Spoiling the Beauty of everyday
To have a life that others crave for,
Toiling to have a flawless one but i can't have it so I
Accept my life the way it is.

Striving for the love I want,
Proving myself, I'm worth it,
Justifying myself when I'm not,
But I fail to get their attention so I
Accept it the way it is.

I realise I can't change everyone
Realise, I'm better original
Realise, life has highs and lows
Realise, I can't be everyone's best so I
Accept them the way they are.
© Aparna

@radhey7610 @VHno.1 @syed.muhayir @gautamkvasu