

Rant#Ive lost count
I don't do well under pressure
Emotional pressure
It's alright
You can call me a bitch and less of man for not being a "bad man" and keeping I together, for crying.
I don't know what I feel
I just know there's a feeling
It's like I'm a disappointment
I'm failing academicaly
My mom.....she doesn't treat me any differently but I know deep down she hates that I'm me, that I'm gay
My aunt, she's just putting the pieces together trying to figure it out
She's telling how it's be ok if I was and she'd never turn her back on me
And I do believe her, she'd love me the same
But no matter what they do or say they always look at u differently once they know
I wish my mom didn't know,
And life
It's so full of shit, at home, with everyone, and me why am I fucking me
And my mom
She's sick
And I can't do it
I can't do her sick
She's been sick since I've know her
And I've shed so many tears
I can't do it
I can't do it anymore
And there's the other problem
All because I'm stupid with a stupid little bitch of a heart