

laa rang laga do ni
Piya more
Piya-a-ah-ah -ah-ah ha-ha-ha mooooooooooreeeeeeee
Ha-a-a-a-a mo-o-o-or-r-r-r-r-r-r-re -e-e-ehhhhhhhhhh piiiiiiiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Piya moreeeeee
Piya more
Phagun ka maah(mhina)
Aayo ni
Aayyyyyyyooooooooooo niiiiiii
Khelan horiya
Khe-llllllllllllllan horiya
Khe-e-e-e-e-llllllllllllllan horiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Khelan horiyaaaa(flat)
Gula-a-a-a-a--a-aaal laaaaaaaaaaallll
Mohe Laado niiiiiiiiiiiiiii

( O my dearly beloved husband ,its auspicious month of phagun that is march , i wannna get blessed in colours of ur love ,bring me red gulal (as it symbolises love) to play holi with you

Verse 2 :
Priytam mooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee
Hoooooo,priyyyyyyyyyytaaaammmmm moooooorreeeeeeeeeeee
Preeet mausam mai।
Rang do mohe
Apne hi rang mai
Tan man mai
Uthti yovan (adulthood) ki tapan(urges) ki
agan(fire) bujhaaaaaaaaaà do niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii। *2

(O my sweetheart, in this auspicios month of love and colours , fill me with the colour of ur love in such a way that my heart get awakened and body gets soaked and it cools down the fire and the urges in my body for submitting myself to ur heart body amd soul )

Verse 3:
Phalgun mausam mai
Iss birhan mai
Maru tri vandan mai
Rang do mohe preet ke rang mai
Khelu aaj hori
Tore sang mai
Ang ang mai
Mohe laal rang
Lgaaaaaaaaaaadooooooooooo niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

( O my dearly beloved ,in this auspicious and pious month of phalgun , in my lonely night and solitude ,endowe me with the colours of ur love ,tgis holi is no fun of my body doesnt get soaked up and drenched down by the colours that u will spread over my body through ur body)

Verse 4 :
Piya more
Ho piya more
Joganiyaaaaaaaaaaa mai tihaaariiiii
Jooooooooogggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaniyaaaaaaaaa। Maiiiiiii tihaaaaaaariiiiiiiii
Tore prem ras mai bhigggh jaauuuuuuu
Bheeg jau mai sariiiiiii
bhari yoyannn ki phulwaaaaaaarrrrrriiii maiiii
Apne preeeet ki latt (bow seeds of love, latt is abbrevation latta which is stem of a plant )ugaa do ni

Meaning: ( o my dearly beloved husband , m ur devotee , (ur dasi , ur vetter half),i want my whole body mind and soal to get drenched in colours of ur love , bow seeds of ur love in my new uprooted adulthood ,

© sonu mishra