

' Fly, little sparrow '
Once a sparrow
Became the kangaroo
For what she wanted
Was to Jump on Lands
Where the love takes
And her hope remains
She let her loved ones guide
And the land be mine

Once a sparrow
Became the whale
For what she wanted
Was to dive In waters
Where the fate takes
And her faith remains
She let the water guide
And the water be mine

Once a sparrow
Became the love
For what she wanted
Was to be beloved
Where the courage takes
And her beauty remains
She let the mirror guide
And found herself
As little sparrow

O, little sparrow
As you wish to fly high
Mysterious roads of you
As you believe your heart
So becomes your fear an art

O, little sparrow
your wounds
cannot bound you
from your destiny

O, little sparrow
In yours imperfections
lies pure perfection
In yours beauty
lies pure art

O, little sparrow
So adorable you are
So stay soft as you are
Nothing there is
To be afraid of
who you are

O, little sparrow
In skies, you see
Everyone you love
In blink of an eye
See theirs sorrow
See theirs dream
And be free
Of your own

O, little sparrow
See other birds singing
And the winds breezing
Be free, and fly high
For what you seek
Is never mine

O, little sparrow
Roses I've given you
With a crying soul
So little I hope
As I found my stars
Butterfly you are

O, little sparrow
Ones who cherish
The smiles of a bird
Ones who rejoice
In care of a bird
Are yours

O, little sparrow
One day, you'll fly
One day, you'll leave
Let us sit till then
Let me be with you

O, little sparow
Let us together
sit quietly
Let us together
fly away

O, little sparrow
Before you fly
See me as rose
In your lovely hearts

O, little sparrow
Even if you sing alone
Even if you fly alone
I'll be there for you
by yours side

As the sparrow flies alone
Seeks nothing from anyone
As the sparrow leaves sorrow
Becomes free from everyone

Fly, little sparrow
Forever beautiful you are
Forever untill the end of time
For I'll be there Forever

Fly, little sparrow
And Sing songs
Of dears Joy
With Courage
Of dears heart

Fly, little sparrow
And Smile always
For you're with rose
Love that forever flows

Fly, little sparrow
And Hold my scars
Dear to yours heart
For I can see your scars
And I like them as they are

Fly, little sparrow
Never can I hold you
For what I need
Nothing can I offer you
Other than love

- rose