

wait a second
I smell second chances in time
They often leave before I can taste 'em
They carry promises dipped in fear
I have seen love holding them
I hide behind doubt, refusing to let myself fall again
My fate often carries it in its arms
I had once picked it up only to let it slip
Or did it give me the slip?
'Wait a second' I remember shouting another time
as I watched it arrive with a welcoming smile
Me running to gather my scattered thoughts
I was away for barely a second
When I lost it again to regret, my second chance
Well, It arrives frequently to hug me
My mind though, believes in social distancing
And another second chance walks away leaving me repenting
I thus opine..
Second chance is about fear
Second chance is about doubt
Second chance is about regret
Second chance is about repentance
Aren't second chances the untouchables of a closed mind?
I wish I could be just a little kind to myself and meet them
Maybe destiny waits to befriend me through them.
© nobody