

Bound by Friendship, Diverse in Pursuit

In the halls of academia, our paths did part,
Yet our friendship endures, etched in my heart.
As You pursued Accountancy, and I chose PolSci,
Our journeys diverged, but our bond won't die.

Though our courses diverged, we remain connected,
Supporting each other, never feeling neglected.
While You crunch numbers, I explore politics' allure,
Together we embody knowledge's grandeur.

In the realm of figures, you'll strive to excel,
Balancing sheets and ledgers, a story to tell.
And as I delve into politics' intricate dance,
You'll cheer me on, admiring my stance.

Different subjects, different dreams we pursue,
But our friendship remains steadfast and true.
In times of need, we'll still lend a hand,
For that's what true friendship will always demand.

So, Kimlay, my friend, as our paths diverge,
Know that our bond will forever surge.
In Accountancy or Political Science's embrace,
Our connection remains, a source of solace.

Let's celebrate our uniqueness, side by side,
As we conquer challenges with unwavering stride.
In different courses, we'll still find our way,
Supporting each other, come what may.

Dedicated to: Kim Urgelles
© Bittercrazy18