

It's A New Lie At Work....💫
New lie at work,
Misguided by the life,
Stained with the ink of dark,
Sparks erased with the peace of last,
The Words your harsh reality,
Wrote on me will fade soon,
With miraculous bliss,💫
Deadly destruction of deathly experience,
Lives somewhere beneath my skin,
Unseen scars waiting to heal with time,
Bruises of last untouched by the sufferings of life,
Infected with the sickness of those misdeeds,
Sweating with the struggles of old terrors,
Shivering with the consequences of cold momentums,
Was Bounded to you with the beauty of attachments,
memories of Mysterious bleeds,
lingering in the haunted forest of my body,
I'm done feeling broken,
unworthy to eyes,
Power to heal given to myself,
One day bleeding of painful game,
Will realize what it did,
Can try to change and evolve,
Till the time,
can trust the faithful weep,
It's a new lie at work,
Misguided by the life...💫💕

© piece to shine