

"When did I become so cold? "
In shadows deep, where silence reigns,
A captive soul, in solitude's chains,
Behind cold bars, a whispered plea,
Lost in echoes, unheard and free.

Mistakes, a weight upon my chest,
Choices made, in moments pressed,
A twist of fate, a stumble, a fall,
Led me here, within these walls.

Days blur into endless nights,
My voice, a ghost in fading light,
Mind's labyrinth, a twisting maze,
In solitude's embrace, it plays.

Glimpses of a world now gone,
Where dreams danced in the dawn,
Yet here I stand, a silent wraith,
Lost in time, a forgotten wreathe.

The world outside, a distant dream,
Held within this silent scream,
A heart once whole, now a shard,
Trapped in thoughts forever barred.

Each breath I take, a silent song,
Muffled echoes, unheard for long,
Forlorn whispers in the dark,
A soul's lament, an unseen mark.

Behind these walls, the mind cascades,
Fragments are lost in endless shades,
A symphony of silent fears,
Invisible trails of unseen tears.

So here I dwell, in shadows deep,
Where silence reigns, and sorrows seep,
A prisoner not just of stone and steel,
But of a mind that time can't heal.

© s. 🎧⭑