

With walls that hold our memories,

And a roof that shelters our dreams.

In this sanctuary of peace,

Familiar faces gather and meet.

Laughter echoes through the halls,

As stories are shared, both big and small.

A kitchen filled with delicious scents,

Where meals are prepared with love and intent.

The dining table, a centerpiece of connection,

Bringing together family and affection.

In the living room, cozy and inviting,

Sofas and chairs, a place for uniting.

A fireplace crackles, casting a warm glow,

As conversations flow and hearts bestow.

Bedrooms, personal retreats of solace,

Each reflecting the dweller's unique grace.

Soft pillows and blankets, a haven of rest,

Where dreams are nurtured, and worries are blessed.

The garden outside, a tranquil escape,

With blooming flowers and a calming landscape.

Children's laughter fills the air,

As they run and play without a care.

A home is not just bricks and mortar,

But a sanctuary, a place of comfort.

It's where love resides and memories are made,

A shelter where our souls find shade.

So let us cherish our humble abode,

For it's more than just a physical load.

It's a sanctuary of love and connection,

A place where our hearts find true affection

© Peta-Gay Powell