

Heart finds another Heart
Falls for a silly plot
Melts up like a candy pop
Every moment in life seems happy Hop
Coffee shop, talking trash for hours till the last drop,

When called by name honey definitely it makes you believe that heart gives you many
Eyes are like swords and more sweet are his words,
Lips as smooth as a pudding but never knew that this ain't gonna lead to the wedding,
Curves driving crazy and the weather is making it cozy,
Rain drops dripping down the window, there got a sudden glance of a black shadow

Then the shades start fading
Hormones' proportions shifting
Not the gonadotropin but the adrenaline is rushing
To make sure that my soulmate is fine, fumbling the hand but found bloody no one
Brain is blown, froze like a stone
House became haunted in no time
Pleasure turned into pressure,
Flickering light, dunno why I am alone at night,
two entered the room but
one Vanished before the bloom.

Roses are blood, violet is the bed
when I opened my eyes everything is normal. Sun kissing forehead and a realizing smile it's a dream!

© Rachel Snowy