

Like moss on a stone.
I could watch the grass grow.
I can feel the wind blow yet
there's no where to go.
Stuck in the fly paper,
numb to the pain.
Won't you do me a favor,
cause I think Im stuck again.

Left out in the rain.
A spark with no flame.
I've got nothing to lose,
except for that which I gain.
I have to abstain from
what is haunting my brain.
Taunting my sanity,
As if I'm high on cocaine.

The fast lane's now the last
lane 'cause the freeway
isn't free.
It costs you time, no leeway
and you can't even see.

The landscape is a backdrop
just like the movie screen.
Nobody is moving, and theirs
cops on the scene.
I mean,
I feel like James Dean 'cause
I ain't runnin' this rat race.
Pass the Jim Beam might as
well we get shit faced.

My crib looks like a cemetery,
let's go to yours.
Boring like a seminary's
eight hour course.
I know I'll get what's coming,
I got nothing to prove.
My life's like frozen honey...
and it don't barely move.

I feel like I lost my groove.
As if it has been removed.
I keep chasing my tail, I've
gone off the rail.
Waiting for life to improve.

A human stew. A stagnant goo.
We're all treading water,
Why not, it's the view.
This ain't nothing new.
Don't wear out your shoes.
We're running in circles,
Monkey see, Monkey do.

Well Pat! I'd like to buy a clue!
Let me take a spin, what more
can I do.
I'd love to win a trip, maybe go
somewhere new.
But Vanna's in Havana, and she's
sick of you too.

I think these people are sniffing glue.
Even the talking heads' faces are blue.
A waste of space are some people we
Don't let this stagnosis happen to you.

Written by: Michael W. Taylor
November 14th. 2023©
© Michael W. Taylor