

chaos and angel
In chaos's midst, where turmoil does reside,
An angel emerges, wings spread far and wide.
Amidst the storm's fury, they stand serene,
A beacon of hope, a tranquil scene.

Their halo gleams with an ethereal light,
Guiding lost souls through the darkest night.
In chaos's tempest, they bring a calm,
A soothing touch, like a healing balm.

With gentle words and a compassionate gaze,
They mend broken hearts in mysterious ways.
In the midst of disorder, they're a steady hand,
Leading us towards a tranquil land.

Though chaos may rage with its thunderous roar,
The angel's grace and love restore.
In the dance of life's tumultuous chore,
They remind us of what we're living for.

So, in the midst of chaos, never despair,
For an angel's presence is always near.
They bring serenity to our troubled days,
Guiding us through life's chaotic maze.
© hyimxng

#englishpoems #poetry #Scary #instagrammer #instagram