

I can't stop thinking about you

Laughing at your texts
Oh God you're so perfect
Very late as I scroll through your posts
Everyone seems to like you
Don't know if I should ask you out

Yet this girl keeps popping up
Oh, that's your girlfriend?
Uhm, why didn't you tell me

When you told me you loved me
In the middle of the night
That same night you kissed me
Has it all been a lie?

Are you a scumbag?
Let me tell you the answer
Let me cry and scream in my bed

Maybe I should tell your girlfriend
Yea let me invite her to a walk in the park

Her eyes were filled with tears
Everything had gotten lost in the moment
At midnight next thing I knew
Rachel and I kissed
Then next thing I knew,

She wakes up next to me in bed
Constantly mumbling my name
Until I wake up so we can kiss
"Miriem?" she says, always so sweetly
Before I can say a word, she kisses me.
And then we talked in bed for hours
Guess what, it's our 2 year anniversary.

(This may be confusing but basically? this spells out "I Loved You With All My Heart Scumbag" and this girl (Miriem) falls for this dude, they are practically dating, but she finds out he has a girlfriend. She tells the girlfriend via face to face. Rachel (the girlfriend) was heartbroken, and Miriem was trying to help They end up kissing Since then, they have been together for 2 years. This story is to show that there will always be heartbreak, but not every case is terrible. Sometimes you end up with new and terrific friends or partners, or you come out even stronger.
© Mari