

My Journey Through Madness
Trying to cope with Mental health,

Addictions take a toll.

An Alcoholic may reach for help,

But often not find their way out of this Hell.

Living with Borderline personality disorder,

Anxiety grips the soul.

Depression an ever present force,
Fear consumes and makes one feel so small.

Grief looms like an enemy,

Making life too hard to bear.
Thoughts of Suicide linger like dark clouds,

Bringing even more despair.

One must find the strength to go on,

Recovery the aim at hand.
From Relapse so much can be learnt,
To achieve true Healing and make a stand.

In order to get through it all takes Courage,

For growth is something that cannot be bought.
Be brave and strong in order to push on ahead,
Fighting off the Disease so you’ll never be caught.

The key to Repair lies within you,
With Health and Determination what more do you need?
Know that each new day brings new hope and faith,
Believe in yourself and watch how far you succeed!
© simplymagickal