

Forms Of Love
Walking on the streets what did I see,
A world full of love in front of me.

Throwing grains for birds, I saw some girls
Their happy eyes shining like pearls.

Walking a little, I saw one lad
Amusing his sister who looked sad.

Again I could see a bunch of friends
Giggling and walking with hands in hands.

Suddenly I heard a baby's cry
His mother wiping tears from his eye.

He was asking for his father, out on a mission
Sacrificing his life to defend the nation.

Love was in everything, I could find
For voiceless animals and for mankind.

Almighty's creations are are filled with love
But His own love to be placed all above

© Syed Muhayir

•One of my old raw poems . This one was for a competition themed *Infinite Forms Of Love*, written almost 3 years ago. The piece that makes me feel I never improved in poetry *-*