

Value of time..
Within the vast expanse where moments roam,
Time whispers softly, a precious tome.
Each tick, each tock, a fleeting chime,
A reminder of life's elusive prime.

With every sunrise, a new chance to seize,
The value of time, in moments, we tease.
For in its passage, lies infinite gold,
A treasure to cherish, to have and to hold.

In youth's embrace, we dance and play,
Unaware of time's steady sway.
But as the years unfold their tale,
We learn to honor time's gentle sail.

For what is lost can never be found,
Once time slips away, it knows no bound.
So let us heed its gentle call,
Embrace each moment, stand tall.

In the tapestry of life, time weaves its thread,
A reminder of all that lies ahead.
So cherish each heartbeat, each breath sublime,
For in the value of time, we find our prime.

© Priyadharshan Soundar Rajan