

Gramophone Ghost
The gramophone sits covered in dust,
It's edges cut, its horn starting to rust,
Music used to feed the desires of men,
Looking for a drug to fill me once again,
There was simply an urge to spend,

Night I see her silhouette,
The record plays Tchaikovsky,
My heart yearns for my Odette,
To my broken soul-
she holds the key,
Black Swan Pas de Deux Act III,

Longing to see her at the devils time,
She bewitches me, tortures my mind,
Skin as white as snow-
appearing at the clocks chime,
A fallen angel,
Her beauty a perfect design,

A curse,
A curse has been placed upon me,
No love can replace, no desire can fix,
In the depths of my emptiness all that lives is she,
The darkest love, the bodily chill,
All I can do is watch from afar-
and be still,

One night her eyes catch mine,
An urge to approach but she flees,
Leaving me standing alone-
My sanity starting to decline,
What must I do to have thee?

My mother wishes me to love,
Yet I pray to have her,
My mother wishes me to marry,
Yet my heart belongs to her,
And yet, yet, yet...
I cannot hold her.

Instagram: dark_villainpoetry
© Academia Villian