

To John Doe,
Dear John Doe,

I heard the bells ring and it brought a snippet of a memory long forgotten but yet so close by. Like the scent of daisies in the spring or, the scent of rain in summer.
I still remember just bits and pieces of things and memories. Little habits you had some made me mad and others caused me smiles.
Just like the setting sun nothing lasts forever. So I learned to see the beauty in little things. I learned to capture memories of the precious moments.
Like the rays of the setting sun as they bounced off your curls.
I learnt to treasure the sound of your voice and the sight of your smile. I learnt to cherish your scent that lingered in the air.
Most of all I grew to realise that this is a we'll ever be, you waited but I was never ready.

Yours faithfully,
Anonymously existing
© Anonymously existing