

Until The Rain Stops
It was January 1st...

You were stranded in front of a convenience store and so was I
I wanted to say hi
But I was too shy
You’re so fine, I couldn’t even look you in the eye

I thought that was it
Silence while the rain is pouring, the cold air blowing, and cars passing by as we wait
But no, that wasn’t it
You spoke and said the store was shit
For closing early and not letting us sit

We laughed
That laugh that in my mind I photographed
And there It began
The conversation I play in my mind again and again
The connection, the feeling I felt for the first time under the rain
We talked for hours
Like all the time in this world was ours
And for the first time, I wished that the rain wouldn’t stop

As the conversation kept going

"I have to go’"
You suddenly said
I quickly looked around, smiled, then looked back to your deep black eyes
We bid our goodbyes
And I watched your back as you walked away
Because the rain had stopped
The rain had finally stopped...

© -michi