

I Am still alive
the were times I wish to take my life
there were times I thought I'll never love I was hurt
yet no one could feel the pain in my heart
I wanted to die

The were day's I tried to take my life
the were day's I never thought I would live without her love
I was broken
she was taken
I wanted to die

yet the life in me wanted to live
day's the body screamed " I don't want to be alive
I kept breathing
I kept living
all I wanted was to die

The world was sitting on top of me
I could not speak or see
tears were on the marathon
understand because the heart Was broken
I wanted to die

day's I overdosed pills
someone said " pills kills
stupid pills they don't really kill
I wanted to die

they said too many ways to kill a Kat
so I took the blame like it was my fault
of course it was not my fault
I just wanted to Kat before I wanted to die

I was in love
she was my lover
I was happy
she was my happiness
I was alive

but still alive
when I nearly took my life
when I lost love
I can still love

I am alive
© imbongi yosizi zinjile