

My Thoughts On Beauty!!
Growing up I kinda had a rough life,
not sure where or how to start this so please excuse me if I don't make much sense. but this is about me and how I feel about it all!
What Is Beauty?
it can mean different thing's to different people.
to me beauty is not only how you look on the outside but what's also on the inside.
I've never been much of a looker, I wasn't popular in school, Etc. Etc.
But still people would not want to be around me much, you either had to be popular, have the perfect body, looks, the whole thing. well that was not me. I'm a country girl, love animals, camping, fishing, 4 Wheeling, and more,I never had a fancy car, house, clothes, and more. I have brothers and sisters we played outside got dirty chased lighting bugs just had fun.
but I've never really had the looks of these females you see in magazine's.
never even had a boyfriend in school either, I was never pretty enough or popular enough.
there were times I'd go home and cry , even times I wanted to commit suicide, because noons ever really talked to me, yes I did have friends a couple and we would sit together at lunch among ourselves while the others laughed and made fun of us we we're always getting told how ugly we were Etc. Etc.
words hurt a lot more my opinion, I'm now 47 still not married, my relationships that I had and that's not many , were always abusive, physically, mentality, and verbally.
yes it still hurts, i kept a lot inside till now, most men want to go for a hot female to show off and be like look at her .
let me tell y'all men and boys who only go for looks, a beautiful woman may make you happy,
but also not all but a lot of beautiful female's who know they are and use it to get what they want are the ones you have to watch out for,.
But female's like me who don't have the perfect body or looks are the ones you want to take home to meet mom and dad. because us female's who don't have what a man or boy wants we get thrown to the side like garbage, think about it , the faithful ones get hurt always , we may not be beautiful in your eyes but we are beautiful in our own ways, don't always go for looks, look at Someone's heart soul the way they treat you your family that's the kinda woman any guy should go for don't go for a hot looking chic that will use you disrespect your family Etc. you want someone like the females like us who your parents will love and be proud of and can trust and feel comfortable with. people open your eye's, Beauty just isn't what's on the outside , but also the inside.
I hope I didn't offend anyone just speaking how I feel and what I been through so all you females like me who had a rough life like me, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself , love yourself and hold your' head high no matter how much it hurts because you are beautiful in your own way don't let anyone tell you different . and guys get to know someone before you judge them for how they look because you may be surprised how much y'all have in common, think about how you want to be treated and give the same back, cause it can always turn back on you and then you see how it feels treat people the way you want to be treated .
( Elizabeth Light) !!