

I get it
She is pretty, I get it
I am too, but just enough
So you talk to me
and we are friends
But one thing you remind me
is that there is no way
You can love me like that
I might be
and she is all of these too
But she is also pretty
thin waist
thick thighs
that gaze
make up on her eyes
You feel comfortable with her within a week
For me the same took months
just because her body looks oh so great
She is the Gorgeous dirty brown
And I am the artsy brunette
Its okay
just don't remind me of it
All the time
dear friend
I still don't get what she does that I do not
Im used to it
Still hurts though
because her body is great
while I should go to the gym
Did I ask for advice?
for once can't I just learn to love myself
As I am
I was so close this time