

Copy and Paste !
Copy and Paste !

A fad on the market?
Please, do not waste!
Do not hesitate to copy and paste!
A trend in complete waste?
Copy and paste!
No need to taste!
Copy and paste!

Rough and dark face.
Like it; share it; imitate it,
Make haste; copy and paste!
With a long black beard?
Support it; import it;
And all at once: use it!
Make haste; copy and paste

Harsh and rude mood
In tight, tight garments?
Factory production: lots of gases?
Fast food degenerations
For public masses?
No more ties,
But hollow brasses?
No waste of time, just copy and paste!

The strangest thing in technology,
Almost subject to gerontology
Almost zero in any -logy
No time to waste!
Copy and paste!

‘Oh, darling! Look how they live!’
Copy and paste!
‘Look how they do it!’
Copy and paste!
‘They've got it, but we haven't!’
Harry, copy and paste!

For God's sake! Stop a bit!
Hurry up! Hurry up!
Do not behave like animals,
Without taste!
Don't copy anything
And paste nothing!
The poem above seems to have a contradictory view, perhaps, of anything or anyone on earth. Sometimes one feels like deliberately depriving oneself of everything that has to do with the earthly values and concepts given by society. This may bring some relief for a time, and then one returns to human society, even though that society may or may not be humane.
© UnsOzu