

They said :today is her day
and asked her to enjoy the freedom which they give.
I should say that she was not an epitome of custom or the so called "woman" fit in to the patriarchal expectations.
She was actually curious to know more about them and even referred to them as trespassers.
She crowned herself as the ruler of her state(body)
and assumed the role of a cartographer to redraw and expand the boundaries which they set.

I'm a woman and not a man but it doesn't mean that I'm inferior to them.
I'm strong and courageous enough to weave the threads of my life and please do tell them that it's not their business.

I'm not a rebel but an ordinary woman with all the human flaws in me.
I love everyone and i can love 'them' too
consider treating me as an equal and stop the act of stereotyping.
It's time to break the norms of roles and set them as a matter of choice.

I think i started with talking about today and had gone too far and ended up in equality.
Coming back to my point and i say: Not only today all days are mine and i prefer life long freedom than a day of freedom.
