

If I could escape this agony
break free from this prison.
If I could turn back time
To the day the heavens drowned
There tears upon us
The hurse
That drove us to our loss
To the chapel
Down that aisle we carried you.
On your final journey
The hymms
The poems
Such torture
If I could go back in time
To that very moment
That I waved you goodbye
The exchange of I love you's
That moment I kissed your forhead
The hope we lost
That fleighting moment
To bring you home was gone
The hand rail
That is the constant reminder
That you were meant to come home
We sat we talked
We laughed
We cared for you
You were loved so much
If I could be given four wishes
It would of been to bring
You home with us that day
To bring your laughter
Back home with us.
To take that poison away
That should never of been
For I should of been a better daughter
I failed you
It should of been me
Not you.

© Suzanne Valiantis