

In the Hush of Oblivion
In the end, the world will perish, we shall all expire,
Joys and sorrows reduced to dust, consumed by fire.
Towers tall and city walls shall crumble and sink,
The roads we tread in weariness will lose their link.
Perhaps a mighty volcano shall erupt in fury,
Or a falling meteorite, in the dark sky's flurry.
Wars and bombs, anger's explosions in the night,
In the end, all shall fade, vanishing from sight.
We couldn't utter a word, so silent was the fray,
Now, as time has passed, memories dimmed away.
Our stage has ended, leaving only shadows behind,
Does anyone remember, or is it all confined?
They say everything must end, finding beauty in its way,
Yet we wear ugly faces, fearing the unknown day.
A colossal wave engulfs the city, swallowing it whole,
Fish shall dance within, as nature takes its toll.
Or an earthquake mighty, splitting stars in the sky,
In the end, naught will remain, no matter how we try.
So it's alright, leave the memories you wish to forget,
At the crossroads they lie, a burden you can set.
Why have you arrived now, without a single word of sorry?In the grand scheme of endings, we all shall say our story.
© jugnoo~
Inspired by a song called 'Fall' by Chun Jinwoo