

Dead and buried
And mummified
The Undead
Following the fuckery
Think for yourself
Safe and effective
Lemmings in love
With Government mandates
Backed by the science
And the science
It never lies
Just changes its mind
A collective denial
Washing its hands
Plausible deniability
A sterilization of the facts
Othering the others
Hoping that you’re none the wiser
Did you have something to say
Are you questing the narrative
Or just shutting your mouth
A self-sacrifice
To the censorship church
For fear of crucifixion
And Impalement
On the social media sword
Societal indoctrination
From the mouths of woke
And the communist left
A party political broadcasts
On behalf meek
Mediocrity now aspirational
Everyones a winner
D.E.I yes you can fly that plane
True is true and right is right
No matter the lies
And the media nods
Or how loud that you shout
Your number of likes
Dont make you right
Just an influencer
Influencing the influenced
A closed loop
Welcome to the dead zone
Don’t make yourself the bait
Be too good to eat
The truth is a delicacy
Not for the docile
The panacea, a panpharmacon
Of the propaganda machine
The head of the snake
The media Medusa
The end of the affair
And Zeus
He is dead

© the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
Image courtesy of: @Pinterest

© All Rights Reserved