

I was five years old, a bundle of innocence and curiosity. My mind was filled with endless questions, and my mom was my go-to source for answers. Despite her occasional grumpy responses, I knew deep down she loved me dearly. But sometimes, her actions left me puzzled.

"Mom?" I asked for the tenth time, my wide eyes fixed on her. "Why don't I see any pictures of Christ in the Bible?" I couldn't help but wonder why such an important figure was absent from its pages.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, she replied, ask me once more and I won't be liable. Son, keep it up and I'll whip your butt again and I won't be judged by Jesus because he knows I'm not without sin.

But mom, won't Jesus be upset if you whip my hide? What would Jesus say if he heard me hollaring in the night?

I'm hungry mom, what's for dinner? She said, "I'm not cooking anything since you are a sinner."

Digging muddy holes in my lawn, and burying grannie's underwear. What's a mom to do when her kid doesn't seem to care.

"Mom," I was helping granny, she's too old to wash clothes, that dumb old washing machine is broke.

So I dug a hole, filled it with dish water, and the rest you know.

Anyway, mom how do you supposed Jesus walked on the sea?

Is he a magician?

In wide--eye wonder I said, "Maybe I can fly south with the birds this spring if I pray for some handsome new wings? Hey ground squirrel, are you trying to dig to China?

Pack me a lunch mom, I'm going too, as soon as I get my wings. "Son," I'll pack you a good lunch as soon as you feed the hungry ducks, and chickens...

She raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a mischievous smile. "Well, sweetheart, I suppose if you pray hard enough, you'll wake up one day with feathers sprouting from your back
for awhile.

But just remember, with great wings comes great responsibility. You'll have to avoid crashing into telephone wires or catching fire and possible liability.

But Mom, if Jesus did walk on the sea, does that mean He's a cool magician? Can I join his magic school and learn tricks too?"

She chuckled and ruffled my hair affectionately. "Well, my little Houdini, Jesus didn't need a magic school to perform miracles.

He had some divine powers, but I think your talents lie in making food disappear so fast and efficiently.

Then, the ground squirrel caught my attention again, as it very frantically dug a hole in our lawn. Mom, I think that squirrel is trying to dig its way to China?

"Maybe I should pack a lunch and join it on a wonderful adventure!"

She scrunched her face, pretending to think it over. "Well, I suppose a flying boy like yourself would make quite the impression in China. Just promise to send postcards from the Great Wall if you end up making friends with the locals!"

As the day continued, I watched as my mom prepared a delicious meal, despite her earlier threat not to cook. It was a silent reminder that even though kids can sometimes be a pain in the butt, a mother's love you can never get enough...

© Charles Kemp