

Sanctuary ...

The bathroom for me has become somewhat of a Sanctuary,
Any other use it has, only secondary,

Its a place of my peace, somewhere I can call my own,
Its my only peace when I feel truly desperate, depressed or alone,

There I browse through my hate, trying to understand the pain that grips me,
The bitterness that's boiling, and a loneliness that sicks me,

Unexpressed desires burning within,
Once expressed through thick words, now they're unnaturally thin,

They did not move that which I had intended,
The movement I saw, my mind might have pretended,

No more zeal or hope for change,
Neural lockdown, emotionally caged,

Emotions caged?, mind certainly biased,
Good is caged, the dark is on a riot,

Where do i find that area of neutrality and avoid the indignance
With no love or hate, just simply indifference

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