

How you looked at him
I still remember how you looked at him, your eyes lit up just watching him walk by and your voice trembled with nerves as you spoke.

And I can't blame you
He was handsome
With his curly hair, brown eyes and pale skin that contrasted with your slightly tanned skin.
That voice that made your skin crawl just listening to it
And with the way he was so cute, who wouldn't fall for him?

I remember how you looked at him
And that's the way I used to look at you
My eyes would light up when I saw you walk by
And just listening to your voice would make my skin crawl
I was filled with nerves just by the sight of you

I remember the way you looked at him
Well all those Fridays when we went out, I'd get ready hours before, with the best clothes I had, the perfect perfume that you'd like, a perfect make-up
Just to look pretty, and that with a little luck maybe you'd turn around and see me.

But I remember one day
That same afternoon he and I arrived at the same time
I looked at you and I could understand that you'd never look at me the way you looked at him
No matter how well I dressed
Or how long it had taken me to look pretty
You'd never turn to look at me

I could never be the one your eyes would light up for
Or who'd make you nervous just by smiling
I could never compete with him
Cause I could never be like him

I remember how you looked at him
And you'd never look at me that way
© By...Pao