

let me die in solitude
I feel disturbed, aching
Disturbed heart, disturbed soul.
Whatever, I feel like crying aloud.
So many thoughts and questions in me which eats my soul up.
Am I being used?
by someone for something or by eveyone for something...
Is my innocence being used for a need?
Am I trash to be thrown in waste after being used?
Is my physique or heart a need to someone?
Is my heart just being just used by someone to satisfy their needs?
Are my emotions being misused?
Have I been wronged?
Am I doing anything wrong?
Am I ok now?

I could feel my heart bleeding and crying aloud, a cry for true love.
Words unheard by anyone.
When someone ask me "what's wrong?" I couldn't just say what's really wrong..
I try to mask myself with
a happy curve in my lips.
My soul still cries so much that my lips can't withstand the pain.
I feel like dying.
Even if am died there will be no one feeling worried.
May be they may think that they won't get what they received from me anymore.
I have died a hundred times every second.
My words aren't filled with joy anymore.
My smile isn't filled with happiness anymore.
My heart isn't filled with life anymore.
Dear people,
If you wish, stab me in my heart,cut my muscles, my nerve cords,butcher me into pieces...after all they will be just flesh and blood.
My heart will always heal my body.
But, never try to kill my self within.
Never think of my love as my weakness.
I don't want to die every moment for your mean needs.
My heart didn't have the energy to bleed anymore.
I wish for a real loving lap to lay me upon,
a true caring arms to hold me in,
an unmasked smile to lighten my soul and
a true heart to embrace my heart in.
I wish to be old happy me.
I wish to live again,
I have a request for you,
Please don't kill my heart again
I wish i could die now and please
© manjupriya❣️