

Held for Eternity
As so have taken in hand scribed to capturing more than by, ring entitles one for captioning, 
a pour forth in for later drink in writing as words they become stiff to find inspiring, are untiring in inspiration as it strikes like lightning, 
in search for hopeful meaning,
splits itself in fingers more to  bringing, more mindful thought is teaming to take in empty hands by delight than can be brought, a mind starved feather light in weight of dark finds flight when fed to dine on enlight,  by accounts of each stars blinking seeming to excite it quicker speaks in flickers seen for more in words are those one reads by lights left on then offed in triggers pull of dark shots lift to lips a glass to lick for sharp inflamed less pain excite obey in pleasure comes in bladed shocks shooting stars across, the darkened skies to find another measured thigh in an interest eyed, to read for thoughts of what lies lost between in space and time, and whether it may be them they first come to find the innocence were obscene implied no less unhidden are  words too shy to seem, not for more so said, then by ink held in pen to bleed, in care for hand to write, and one unheld to need, but yet point to lead where to find then whom it were, meant for the hand of time, the rest it to keep more minutes left, than any need for seconds spent to looking hold for hours in letters measure sum each, to be equal in years held eternal become eternity holding hands together

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