

That's the story
The Following Tale Is sad but true. It started at Some point in the afternoon. I was brushing my hair and clumps of hair came out in my hand,oh what despair,for I CAN'T understand why my head is bare.

A while later I was just flossing my teeth,flossing my teeth,I repeat. Something I've done many times before. An act I try NOT to ignore.

Then to my dismay,my bottom tooth cracked off right away. OH what a joy this must be,for this happened not just once in my life,but times three.
So there I lay with my tooth on my lip,from flossing no less,it fell out,the irony is amiss.

Then a few hours go by,and my son brings up a glass of juice,"OH MY..."

The juice which was on my corner table,must have not been very stable,for when I placed my toothbrush upon that table,the juice spilled over and down into my shoe. Yes what a cruel thing for life to do,pouring liquid into my shoe.

If only today I would have knew,that I'd find a clump of hair in my hand,a tooth that broke from just plain old floss,and juice that would spill in my shoe.
YES if only anyone knew, how this could happen to a poor sad shrew.
Well that's the story and I am not full of glee,as I ponder and gawk at this fool who is me......
© dimples5feet3