

Win Before You Lose
Win before you lose your grip
Before your anger gets out of control
Put it under control
Win before your anger makes you a loser
Before you say a word you would need to apologize for
Put your tongue in check
Win before your utterance makes you a loser
Before you commit a crime you are not ready to go to jail for
Put your life in check
Win before your frustrations make you a loser
Before you smoke a pipe
That will cost you your health
Put your addiction in check
Win before tobacco makes you a loser
Before you refuse to forgive
Think about your inner peace
Win before revenge makes you a loser
Before you own a woman
That was not ready to yield her body to you
Put your urges in check
Win before rape makes you a loser
Win! Win ! Win!
and keep winning against pride...
against self...against greed
The best of all discipline is SELF CONTROL.

#Poetizer #innerpeace
#calvarylove #winning #inspirationalmessage #inspiration