

Just One Day
A single day , is all I ask,
Let me think I've loved you great
Let me believe ,even though you dont,
That I am your soul mate.

My zodiac tells lies to me,
I put others feelings first?
I love deeply, passionately?? If so,
Why do you my love still thirst?

Gone are the days I loved myself,
And held myself up high
Disgust is all I feel most days,
And pray for eternal night.

So for just one day, let me be,
All I ever thought I was,
After, I'll be solely responsible
For what you claim I have done to us.

Yes, I must believe that's who I am,
Always tearing at my heart
My mind...has no part to play....
too many broken parts

If you can find within yourself,
To give me that one day,
Then I'll go back to being trash,
Who didnt deserve it anyway.
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