

This I'll World
Look! There’s a thermometer in my mouth,
See, the temperature continues to rise,
Beads of sweat rest on my brow
And oh, the pain in my bloodshot eyes!
There’s a frightening zigzag on the chart,
Did you see it at the end of my bed?
It looks like it will go off the scale –
Does it fill you with a sense of dread?
Right at the very top of my head
I sense my ice-pack is melting fast
It cools me down when the heat is on
But I fear it’s not going to last.
On the outside it’s getting obvious
That I’m looking rather sick –
Scars of war are quite visible
And there’s a messy mark from an oil-slick.
Some fresh air would be really nice
But, forest fires make smog abound,
And factories and cars by the million
Belch out fumes the whole world around.
Beneath my once beautiful skin
It seems my innards aren’t there
As, over the centuries big industries
Have plundered them without care.
Apparently, my water doesn’t look good,
And often, there’s a putrid smell;
A bad sign when you pass water,
No wonder I look so unwell!
Scientists have tried every method,
I’ve taken every potion and pill
But nothing has improved much,
I’ve really had my fill.
Still, there’s reason to be hopeful,
My faith in my Maker is strong,
I know He will make this Planet well
As His way is right all along.

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